Description Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993
Government Gazette GG 40612, GN 117
Type Notice
Date published 10 February 2017
Effective date 10 February 2017
OHS Act Sites X
MHS Sites X


The Compensation Commissioner has amended the COID Act requirements in terms of the submission of return of earnings details under Section 82 of the Act.

It will no longer be posted to registered employers but is downloadable from

The notice further encourages employers to file returns online.

Description National Railway Safety Regulator Act
Government Gazette GG 40637, GN 166
Type Notice for comment
Date published 24 February 2017
Effective date 24 March 2017
OHS Act Sites X
MHS Sites X

A proposed new license fee structure has been published for comment in respect of Safety Permits issued by the Regulator.

Comment on the proposed fees are to be submitted before 24 March 2017.

Description Department of Mineral Resources Notice regarding blasting tickets
Government Gazette Not applicable
Type Notice for information
Date published 23/02/2017
Effective date Not applicable
OHS Act Sites
MHS Sites X

The acting Chief Inspector of Mines has given instruction to Principal Inspectors to notify all mines in their regions regarding the administration of blasting certificate examinations.

In terms of background, a decision was made in 2013 for the administration of blasting certificate examination to be moved from the MQA to the DMR.

This is set to take effect on 1 June 2017.

Description Occupational Health and Safety Act, Driven Machinery Regulations, Code of Practice for Zip Lines
Government Gazette GG 40622, GNR 136
Type Published for comment
Date published 17 February 2017
Effective date Comment by 17 May 2017
OHS Act Sites X
MHS Sites

The Chief Inspector has published a draft Code of Practice under the Occupational Health and Safety Act Driven Machinery Regulations for comment.

The Code of Practice specifically deals with the installation and operation of commercial zip lines used in the tourism and travel industry.

A zip line is defined as a cable fixed between two points that people traverse along by means of a pulley connected to a harness suspended below a cable.

The proposed COP deals with, amongst other issues:

  1. Requirement for Zip Line designs to be drafted by Registered Professional Engineers,
  2. States requirements for the submission of design calculations and drawings for approval,
  3. Incorporates SANS codes for welding on steel structures, use of clamps and wire ropes,
  4. Requirements for use of trees as anchors,
  5. Requirements for the use of harnesses and safety harnesses,
  6. Requirements for competence of “adventure guides”, including first aid,
  7. Performance testing requirements (to 120% of maximum working load,
  8. Obligation to keep a register containing the names of responsible persons, testing details, details of daily inspections, details of stoppages etc.In general, the COP is an anomaly insofar as it deals with a very limited application, where most of the obligations it contains would in any case be regulated under other Regulations or under the general obligations posed by Sections 8(1) and 8(2) of the OHSA.Comments on the draft COP are to be submitted before 17 May 2017.
Description Occupational Health and Safety Act, Driven Machinery Regulations, Lifts, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations, Code of Practice for existing goods hoists installations.
Government Gazette GG 40594, GN 94
Type Notice
Date published 3 February 2017
Effective date 3 February 2017
OHS Act Sites X
MHS Sites

Goods hoists were historically regulated under the Driven Machinery Regulations, 2008. The Chief Inspector has published a Code of Practice under the Lifts, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations (“LEPCR”).

The new Driven Machinery Regulations published in 2015 scrapped Regulation 17 which dealt with goods hoists. The requirement was that all existing goods hoists will comply with the LEPCR in 5 years’ time.

The COP sets the minimum requirements for goods hoists in the interim period.



 Jaco Swartz

Managing Director

Legislative Compliance Specialists (Pty.) Ltd.

011 679 3556